File spoon-archives/heidegger.archive/heidegger_2002/heidegger.0210, message 33

Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2002 17:52:35 +0200
Subject: Re: apology


Two words of Nietzsche keeping me busy lately:

the first, that we are only beginning to know little.
In the beginning of this beginning, the nerds see their chance:
it is their time. But soon ER will show a grimmer face and
nerding around will be something one will not so easily get away with,
so they'll shut up of themselves, and therewith the need to apologize.

the second is related with the subject as multiplicity, and as
Herrschaftsgebilde, formation of domination. This regency might
be not so triumphant, as it sounds at first.
At the end: the subalterns contacting us.

492 (1885)

The body and physiology the starting point: why?--We gain the correct idea
of the nature of our subject-unity, namely as regents at the head of a
communality (not as "souls" or "life forces"), also of the dependence of
these regents upon the ruled and of an order of rank and division of labor
as the conditions that make possible the whole and its parts. In the same
way, how living unities continually arise and die and how the "subject" is
not eternal; in the same way, that the struggle expresses itself in obeying
and commanding, and that a fluctuating assessment of the limits of power is
part of life. The relative ignorance in which the regent is kept concerning
individual activities and even disturbances within the communality is among
the conditions under which rule can be exercised. In short, we also gain a
valuation of not-knowing, of seeing things on a broad scale, of
simplification and falsification, of perspectivity. The most important
thing, however, is: that we understand that the ruler and his subjects are
of the same kind, all feeling, willing, thinking--and that, wherever we see
or divine movement in a body, we learn to conclude that there is a
subjective, invisible life appertaining to it. Movement is symbolism for
the eye; it indicates that something has been felt, willed, thought.

The danger of the direct questioning of the subject about the subject and
of all self-reflection of the spirit lies in this, that it could be useful
and important for one's activity to interpret oneself falsely. That is why
we question the body and reject the evidence of the sharpened senses: we
try, if you like, to see whether the inferior parts themselves cannot enter
into communication with us.

At 19:17 6-10-02 -0700, you wrote:
>>at reread on list of my last post i realized i shouldn't have written it so
>>fast, makes one stay at the too reactive level and all the pent up
>>forebearances don't wroughten out to signify as intended, so to all the
>>nerds, perverts and jerks here
>>i apologize
>>try to do better nex-t ime
>see, it's a never ending bottle, i forgot to apologize to the atonal
>attuners too
>herewith tis so
>     --- from list ---

drs. Rene de Bakker
Universiteitsbibliotheek Amsterdam
Afdeling Catalogisering 
tel. 020-5252368              

     --- from list ---


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