File spoon-archives/heidegger.archive/heidegger_2002/heidegger.0210, message 34

Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2002 17:58:46 +0000
Subject: futures, sutures

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just a question from one of the "nerds, perverts and jerks" [no need for 
apo-logia, kenneth :-)]:

Are there radically other means towards 'guaranteeing' or 'securing' some
kind of future than those of the following ilk? For example:

1) those derived from the following kinds of threads: race, kin, family,
dynasty, tribe, religion, ethnicity, nationality, class, party, etc;
conditionings that
pass a thread along from the past through the present and into...

2) those derived from the many versions of 'revenge': eye-for-an-eye,
triggered response, avenging, regret, atonement, countering,
sins-of-the-fathers, tit-for-tat, 'new' novelties and upgrades of capitalist
'goodies', etc; wheels of repetition that keep 'things' going...

Can there be a beginning, that does not repeat the same dreary abyss? that
does not open up the same dreary wounds and woundings?

barely illiterated



futures, sutures just a question from one of the "nerds, perverts and jerks" [no need for
apo-logia, kenneth :-)]:

Are there radically other means towards 'guaranteeing' or 'securing' some
kind of future than those of the following ilk? For example:

1) those derived from the following kinds of threads: race, kin, family,
dynasty, tribe, religion, ethnicity, nationality, class, party, etc; conditionings that
pass a thread along from the past through the present and into...

2) those derived from the many versions of 'revenge': eye-for-an-eye,
triggered response, avenging, regret, atonement, countering,
sins-of-the-fathers, tit-for-tat, 'new' novelties and upgrades of capitalist
'goodies', etc; wheels of repetition that keep 'things' going...

Can there be a beginning, that does not repeat the same dreary abyss? that
does not open up the same dreary wounds and woundings?

barely illiterated

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