File spoon-archives/heidegger.archive/heidegger_2003/heidegger.0301, message 167

Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2003 08:05:51 -0600
From: allen scult <>
Subject: RE: Spirit versus Character



The work you mention seems convivial with my own.  I'd like to hear 
more about it.

  I cribbed the mostly Arendt quote from Ronald Beiner, POLITICAL 
JUDGMENT, p. 18, who quotes and paraphrases Arendt a lot, this one 
from "Crisis in Culture" in BETWEEN PAST AND FUTURE.


>Is it possible for you to provide a reference for the mostly arendt 
>quote below. I think it may work in well with some work I am doing, 
>based on some insights of ricoeur, on the question of an audience 
>considered as a gathering of people co-making a world through mutual 
>hermeneutic self-disclosure in front of a text.
>"For a cultivated man of taste is one who knows how to choose his 
>company among men, among things, among thoughts, in the present as 
>well as in the past.  Taste decides not only how the world is to 
>look, but also who belongs together in it.  It defines a principle 
>of belonging, is an expression of the company one keeps and, as 
>such, like politics itself, is a matter of self disclosure:  By his 
>manner of judging, the person discloses to an extent also himself, 
>what kind of person he is. . . "
>mostly Hannah Arendt
>We are, by and large, in good company on this list and all of us, 
>save one, seem to recognize who's who, what's what, and how it goes. 
>May good judgment continue to preserve us!
>  Allen Scult					Dept. of Philosophy
>HOMEPAGE: " Heidegger on Rhetoric and Hermeneutics":	Drake University
>	Des Moines, Iowa 50311
>PHONE: 515 271 2869
>FAX: 515 271 3826

  Allen Scult					Dept. of Philosophy
HOMEPAGE: " Heidegger on Rhetoric and Hermeneutics":	Drake University	Des Moines, Iowa 50311
PHONE: 515 271 2869
FAX: 515 271 3826




The work you mention seems convivial with my own.  I'd like to hear more about it.

 I cribbed the mostly Arendt quote from Ronald Beiner, POLITICAL JUDGMENT, p. 18, who quotes and paraphrases Arendt a lot, this one from "Crisis in Culture" in BETWEEN PAST AND FUTURE.


Is it possible for you to provide a reference for the mostly arendt quote below. I think it may work in well with some work I am doing, based on some insights of ricoeur, on the question of an audience considered as a gathering of people co-making a world through mutual hermeneutic self-disclosure in front of a text.
"For a cultivated man of taste is one who knows how to choose his company among men, among things, among thoughts, in the present as well as in the past.  Taste decides not only how the world is to look, but also who belongs together in it.  It defines a principle of belonging, is an expression of the company one keeps and, as such, like politics itself, is a matter of self disclosure:  By his manner of judging, the person discloses to an extent also himself, what kind of person he is. . . "
                                                                                           mostly Hannah Arendt
We are, by and large, in good company on this list and all of us, save one, seem to recognize who's who, what's what, and how it goes.  May good judgment continue to preserve us!
 Allen Scult                                    Dept. of Philosophy
HOMEPAGE: " Heidegger on Rhetoric and Hermeneutics": Drake University     Des Moines, Iowa 50311
PHONE: 515 271 2869
FAX: 515 271 3826

 Allen Scult                                    Dept. of Philosophy
HOMEPAGE: " Heidegger on Rhetoric and Hermeneutics": Drake University     Des Moines, Iowa 50311
PHONE: 515 271 2869
FAX: 515 271 3826
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