File spoon-archives/heidegger.archive/heidegger_2003/heidegger.0302, message 21

Date: Wed, 5 Feb 2003 09:20:29 +0000 (GMT)
From: =?iso-8859-1?q?Calypso?= <>
Subject: Re: Murphy's Law

Dear oh dear, the lads or rather Lad is at it again.
Paul responds to a typical example of Jud's
qidnuncery*** with a plea for "some good places to
study Heidegger", obviously a dissing of Jud's longish
piece, something, surely we should be allowed to do.
One could regard it as simply saying in so many words
that the piece is irrelevant to those wanting to
further their interest and knowledge of the works of
Heidegger. Not everyone would agree that this is the
case (e.g., Michael P), but it surely is OK for this
to be said or implied on a discussion list like this
one. Jud responds with an appalling attack on Paul (as
if Paul had uttered the 'sin' of ad hominem) and
Heidegger (the man, not the thinker since Jud has
never really attacked the thinking, Jud having never
shown the slightest sign of even a mild understanding
of that thinking), including all the usual incitements
to hatred. This proleptic (as below, eg) pre-emptive
strike is surely atrocious.
"I would be very interested, (though I doubt if many
others on this list would be equally enthusiastically
turned on) to hear how you eventually rationalised
what the jerk actually DID in real life, (His real day
to day life, shagging students, telling lies to his
wife, ill-treating and stabbing in the back  former
mentors, ringing up the Gestapo to report young kids
and old colleagues and attending Nazi Party meetings
in his fancy dress unform of leather shorts and braces
topped by a shiny Nazi badge.  Plus of course the
little matter of telling lies at his criminal trial 
saying that he didn't work for the party when the
newspapers are full of pics of him surrounded by Nazi
square-headed thugs.  And there's the small matter of
the mish-mash of borrowings and the blatant  twistings
of the meanings of sundry Greek writers' words that he
actually wrote down on paper,  in spite of his
admitted ignorance of the BE-Word  in relation  to his
excruciatingly embarrassing   transcendentalist

Interestingly Jud's piece on reality without human
representation remind s me of Berkley's 'proof' of the
existence of the Christian God. That it (God) is the
omnipresent subject for whom the world is just as it
is independently of all human (and presumably, animal)
perspectives and points of view (ie, Jud's TWTWI).
Looked at this way Jud's position is remakably close
to those of many religious mystics. What an irony.



*** Quidnunc was the name given to an idlely curious
chatterer in another Murphy's work, Arthur Murphy's
farce 'The Upholsterer or What News?' (1757)

===="man is something that must be overcome" [N]

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