File spoon-archives/heidegger.archive/heidegger_2003/heidegger.0304, message 211

From: "John Foster" <>
Subject: Re: right winged sicknesses
Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2003 09:49:49 -0700

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2003 6:03 AM
Subject: Re: right winged sicknesses

> In a message dated 04/10/03 12:02:45 AM, writes:
> << i hate the right wingers >>
> whatever happened to the core meaning of the word liberal?
> bob

were counting on you bob to rework that propositional definition. wez thot
they twas 'classic laize faire liberales' du peche monde  as in eat yur
peach and have your cacque too.

classic laize fair liberales are doz dreamers such as marx reworked from
smith, the moralist, who postulated the 3 great sins of small c capitalism
of the later era:

luxury consumption
pride of possession
fraud (basic ontological deceit)

these are the 3 xtian sins of small c capitalism

reworked to the modern state sanctioned forms of large c capitalism are

state sanctioned institutional forms of luxury and usuary
universal industrial fraud
opulent and conspicuous consumption

capitalist forms jihad "we are strictly doing this for humanitarian causes"

which brings up the issue of the use of depleted uranium used to kill, main,
wound and disfigure in afghanistan, Kosovo, and in iraq

why do state capitalist prefer depleted uranium?

easy, the next hardest metal that can be used for the same purposes is
and tungsten costs too much
depleted uranium is a toxic waste and it is impossible to safely dispose of
in friendly zones (ie. canada, mexico and the USS)
solution just dump it in the middle east where they have deserts

the issue for state capitalists like bush and rumsfeld is they can see the
wall and it is written
are scientists have solved an age old problem concerning war
which is the problem with preventing the enemy from hiding underground
we now can design a bunker buster with the ability to penetrate many meters
we use this depleted uranium which triggers the 2 tons of explosive after it
reaches the hardest rock beneath all the dirt
and we carbonize the remnants of resistance fully
leaving no risk of own and kindred spirits of
chancing firepower from small munitions
and if that will not work we also can use a bomb
to suck all the air out their chambers

by using a 'constraint' to profits here in america, that is toxic wastes' we
can achieve several efficiencies because we are not signatory to any
conventions yet on radiological weapons of mass destruction, nor are we
members of the international court of justice, nor do we stand with our
allies in principle, we can use the toxic wastes to replace the tungsten and
more valuable metals

this is classic efficiency with reflection on the morality of using the
worlds most toxic pesticide, uranium and small amounts of plutonium

clap clap


"attendez vous du gare du vietnam
ecoutez le pape"

to  being-within-nothingness
we salute our slave masters
who art not here
but art in airconditioned
cubicles perked
far above the haste
waste below
our child want for
simple medicines
and you have it all

jung who spoke of the right wing
opined this
when the wings are turned anti-clockwise
there is a revolution of the consciousness
fellons and misbelievers
are unheard of
which rotation of the tibetan swastika
which of the teutons
furies spread
it is there in the heart
of hearts where peace
cannot reign

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