File spoon-archives/heidegger.archive/heidegger_2003/heidegger.0304, message 374

Date: Wed, 23 Apr 2003 08:43:10 EDT
Subject: Re: "Recently Overheard. . ."

In a message dated 4/23/03 8:18:33 AM, writes:


"The Question Concerning Technology"
hastily:  technology has become the ersatz mode of big B Being of our 
historical epoch, (the clearing out of which beings appear, the pseudo-work 
of art around which beings are gathered to reveal a world... and so on).  
Heidegger names this Enframing, and rather than a mode of big B Being that is 
characteristically, historically, an opening, the Enframing of technology as 
mode of big B, is one of closing, binding, caging up, by way of exclusively 
calculative correctness. it is one story of heid.'s interp of nietz's story 
of w to p and nihilism.
My take on world corporatism, aside from being a common sense definition of 
planetary fascism, is that it is the Enframing of work and the entire 
economic sphere.


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