File spoon-archives/heidegger.archive/heidegger_2003/heidegger.0304, message 421

Date: Fri, 25 Apr 2003 07:38:37 EDT
Subject: Re: Ecology, Mit-dasein, pathways of incompetence, was World corporatism

In a message dated 4/24/03 10:34:28 PM, writes:
>Modern technology often results in 'ends' which are both depletive and 

John, may I call your attention to the following, which may be of interest:

The New York Review of Books
May 15, 2003


What a World!

By Freeman J. Dyson
The Earth's Biosphere: Evolution, Dynamics, and Change
by Vaclav Smil

By the by, the last para chimes ironically with your recent post, and our 
ongoing conversation on Gestell (who is the spider? whose is the parlor? who 
is invited in?):

Vernadsky, as Smil portrays him, was a humanist. He foresaw the gradual 
transformation of the biosphere into a noosphere. The word "noosphere," a 
sphere of mind, means a planetary ecology designed and maintained by human 
intelligence. He recognized that, as the noosphere comes into existence, "the 
aerial envelope of the land as well as all its natural waters are changed 
both physically and chemically." He understood that the maintenance of a 
noosphere places heavy responsibilities on human shoulders. But he had faith 
in the ability of humans to ...  [and so on---hen]

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