File spoon-archives/heidegger.archive/heidegger_2003/heidegger.0305, message 131

From: "Tudor Georgescu" <>
Subject: RE: Free Will - Is there Such a Thing?
Date: Sat, 10 May 2003 10:31:49 +0200

If an electron can choose his way (I do not say it has free will, see below)
and the neural impulse depends on ions flows, thus ultimately on electrons,
then I can choose my way too. Can I choose freely? Yes, if the will of the
electron is subject of (subsumed to) my will. As an atomistic panpsychist, I
synthesize Spinoza with Leibnitz (including Heidegger and Jung) at: 

As far as I can see, it is a last resort to save such notions as "person"
and "personality", which explains the current media hype of "being
yourself", which treads upon authenticity.

Gigantomachia peri tes ousias!
Tudor Georgescu 
Fax +1-775-245-5922

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