File spoon-archives/heidegger.archive/heidegger_2003/heidegger.0308, message 1

Date: Fri, 01 Aug 2003 11:50:55 -0500
Subject: Thinker as Toad

For my own edification,and perhaps yours,let me try to describe what just 
happened, and my attempt to put it into a context of understanding.  

Even though I am alone in a cabin on an island, I was negotiating some self- 
induced hassles with the world on the mainland, when I stepped outside and bent 
down to pick some weeds, close to the cabin, in order to (perhaps) keep the 
bugs away, when I noticed a very small toad, making his way through the weeds, 
fully focused, and otherwise sur-rounded by the world he has to get around in. 
As I joined him, making myself as small as I could, I felt absorbed in his 
comings and goings, as I had been absorbed in mine (though without being 
conscious of it).  Then, as I stepped away again, and stood up, it occured to 
me that my engagement in language, especially facing up to its resistances, and 
taking them as personally as the toad takes the brush, and I took the mainland 
hassles, I also had a world, more truly my own.

Best ragrds,


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