File spoon-archives/heidegger.archive/heidegger_2003/heidegger.0310, message 1

Date: Wed, 1 Oct 2003 09:24:01 EDT
Subject: "Giant of German thought" turns out to be a Vicious Thug

Heidegger's plagiarism, Nazism is well documented

In his otherwise excellent review of The Christian Travelers Guides series 
(WCR, June 4), Prof. Ernie McCullough remarks, "The sharp criticisms of the 
giant of German thought Martin Heidegger as a plagiarist call for further 
documentation." Frankly, I do not understand this criticism. On page 114 of the 
Christian Travelers Guide to Germany, we provide a brief biography of Heidegger 
where we draw attention to Prof. Reinhard May's devastating book Heidegger's 
Hidden Sources (London, Routledge, 1989) where May provides ample evidence of 
Heidgger's academic fraud which he calls "creative appropriation." All we do is 
point out that this is a polite way of saying plagiarisms. May's book is a 
translation of his German work Ex oriente lux: Heideggers Werk unter ostansiatischen 
Einfluss where the "Einfluss", or influence, is clearly demonstrated in terms 
of the plagiarism of translations of Asian classics written in German decades 
before the publication of Being and Time. Although May's work has been 
ignored by Heidegger scholars, there is no doubt that he has amply proven the 
fraudulent nature of Heidegger's work. It is also worth pointing out that until the 
publication of Hugo Ott's Martin Heidegger: A Political Life, London, Fontana, 
1994, Heidegger's disciples refused to accept the fact that he was an active 
National Socialist and dismissed such claims as scurrilous rumours. After 
Ott's book was published they changed their tack and began to claim that even 
though Heidegger was a Nazi this fact does not invalidate his theoretical work and 
may be dismissed as an ad hominem argument. With the recent publication of 
Johannes Fritsche's Historical Destiny and National Socialism in Heidegger's 
Being and Time (Berkeley, University of California Press, 1999), even this 
defence has fallen as Fritsche demonstrates that Heidegger's central theories 
develop National Socialist themes and ideology. Thus the "giant of German thought" 
turns out to be a vicious thug who in his 1966 interview with Der Spiegel, that 
was only published in 1977 after his death, lied about his Nazi past and came 
as close as German law allowed to denying the Holocaust. 

Irving Hexham
Department of Religious Studies
University of Calgary




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