File spoon-archives/heidegger.archive/heidegger_2003/heidegger.0310, message 18

Subject: RE: I'd say:
Date: Thu, 2 Oct 2003 14:32:20 +0200
From: "Bakker, R.B.M. de" <>

>    *Jud, you really think Heidegger excludes 6 millions of all the victims 
> sacrified
>     during two world wars? No Fritsche's, straight answer please.

YES,YES,YES!  I aswered your question in full Herr Doctor Goebbels. PUT YOUR 
I explained that the reference to the bells tolling was for the German dead, 
not the six million Jews of various nationalities that  
Heidegger's Nazi comrades murdered in cold blood.
The bells mournful regret DOES NOT extend to the 'sacrifice' of the Jews, for 
they were MURDERED AGAINST THEIR WILL  by Heidegger's Nazi beasts.

   So when Heidegger writes: "all suffering", we should read according to you:
   all, except the suffering of the Jews? (Strauss applied to Heidegger)
   Can i have this one more confirmation?

Again I ask you to tell me and the list if you are appealing to them as a jury,
If the Jews did not sacrifice themselves - who did - why - and to whom?

   But i've told you about the German initiative and the machinations of its
   enemies, they're all involved. Things between England and really antisemite
   Poland (see 14 hours Shoah by Claude Lanzmann) are definitely not sound.
   But, as Hannah Arendt showed, even the Jews themselves sacrificed
   Jews. She got trouble in the US because of that, but that's how it was.
   (The Jewish councils)

   So the question of 'by who' is as difficult to answer, as the question
   'who is responsible for planetary homelessness?', to which Hitler had
   such a quick and disastrous answer. You have now a chance to see how
   dangerous, contagious all this is, esp. to the one dealing with it.
   But i've already told this three or more times, and still you haven't
   read it. Instead your furor gets fortissimo. That's mostly a sign truth
   is despairing.


You STILL haven't addressed the question after many requests - the eyes of 
the list are upon you.

>     You just made it disappear under the table, old cardsharper. 
>     Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, the defence demands an answer to the 
>     last question!
>     Anybody else willing to answer my question? If you think that Heidegger 
>     is inhuman,
>     say it! Or are you preserving it for the cases your understanding of 
>     Heidegger fails?
>     Then you belong to the club of the cardsharpers.
>     Meanwhile i'll look for the other quotes. 

I doubt if you succeed in cajoling even the most sincere Heideggerians to 
defend Heidegger's personality, even if they might rush to 
defend what they perceive as the unpolitical aspects of his philosophy

    Doubt you may, old chap. And would it not be comforting if it were true
    what you said?
    But i'm not convinving anybody, just clearing. 




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