File spoon-archives/heidegger.archive/heidegger_2003/heidegger.0310, message 472

From: "Anthony Crifasi" <>
Subject: Re: Shadia Drury on Leo Strauss und Amerika
Date: Fri, 17 Oct 2003 14:10:38 +0000

Henry wrote:

> >Unless you can cite Shadia Drury's explanation of why the following 
> >NON-Staussians said the following, then I can only conclude that her 
> >analysis is as slanted as she claims conservatives are:
>Anthony, as is so often the case, I leave you to your conclusions.  Your 
>ultimatum has the logic of a non sequitur.

Henry, how did my reply not reasonable in light of what Drury said? She is 
directly attributing the hype over weapons of mass destruction to a 
neo-conservative Straussian belief in a noble lie. So if I can cite not just 
one, but a myriad of non-Straussians who said exactly the same thing about 
weapons of mass destruction long before Bush came into office, then this 
seems like a reasonable critique of her analysis, don't you think?

Anthony Crifasi

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