File spoon-archives/heidegger.archive/heidegger_2003/heidegger.0310, message 476

From: "Anthony Crifasi" <>
Subject: Re: Shadia Drury on Leo Strauss und Amerika
Date: Fri, 17 Oct 2003 14:43:32 +0000

John Foster wrote:

>All very true Anthony. The problem is that Iraq had dismantled it's weapons
>completely prior to this years' invasion by the US.
>So speaking out is a good thing. Your quotations adequately confirm that 
>United Nations and the US (prior to this year, 2003) were doing a pretty
>good job of it without using their own weapons of mass destruction on
>Bhagdad civilians.

On the contrary, more than half of the quotations were from 2002, by very 
non-Straussian politicians. In addition, the quotations from 1998 occurred 
either near or after the inspectors left Iraq, so the concerns expressed 
were based on information that remained the same all the way to last year, 
when the inspectors returned.

Anthony Crifasi

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