File spoon-archives/heidegger.archive/heidegger_2003/heidegger.0310, message 642

Date: Thu, 23 Oct 2003 09:39:09 EDT
Subject: Re: interPolltation

In a message dated 10/22/03 10:31:18 PM, writes:

>Point taken, but even so, that 62% question didn't have near as much wiggle
>room as the questions in the Zogby poll that your article analyzed.

Wiggle room! Ah, things must be getting better in Iraq.  There is growing 
wiggle room.
Anthony, take all the points you want.  Indeed, the points you fight for are 
useless to me.

If the things themselves that appear before us in what is called Iraq were to 
be harmonized by some metaphysical basketball game or some modernized 
disputation, why, I'd only hope that your total mobilization of arguments for the 
Amerikan Reich and its occupation of Iraq would provide me with a small patch of 
truth, or at least clarity.  Alas, your  technical truths about polls and UN 
"law" lead further and further away from the things themselves.  Following your 
maze of technicalities would be laughable were it not directly concerned with 
the continuing murder of thousands.

Pity that humans don't follow the rules better, eh? That your poll-produced 
62% would bring happiness in Iraq, or at least slacken the desperation and the 
growing danger. That the UN were filled with the philosopher kings of the 
Republic, or, perhaps, the Vatican, and some Ratzinger could make them all obey or 
be punished for the multitudes of inconsistencies and rebellions, and 
shirkings accompanying its good work. 

No.  Something more is happening here.  

Justifications by polls are nothing new in this era.  Proximally and for the 
most part, useless. My post of the Zogby article was motivated to provide an 
example of the 'truth' of polls. 

Complaints about UN failures and inconsistencies are rampant in the history 
of that still important attempt at a new paradigm for all the earth's people, 
just 50 years old. 

What is new is that more and more of the people of the earth are learning of 
a brutal hegemonic regime in... Washington. What a hard statement to stomach! 
The world is realizing that these leaders are corrupt, are hiding behind their 
promotion of deceit and propaganda, are using every calculation to advance 
their power and exploitation across the globe, and besmirching the dead of Sept 
11, 2001, in carrying forth a new paradigm of empire. The newness is twofold: 
this character of US global policy is more barefaced and front stage; and, 
more and more people are becoming aware of it.

The US stands further over and against the rest of the world as this 
administration unfolds its policies and goals.

You and I waste each other's time. Our positions are inconvertible. Our 
relationship, one of inconvincability. Our interlocution, a small moment of vanity 
granted by our inauthentic prestige.  You have yet to be troubled by the 
sinister aspect of this country's might-makes-right, ueber alles unilateralism, nor 
the world historical corruption that is only half masked. I sincerely hope it 
is not because you have affinity with that mode of being. You've shown 
nothing else in your language. You are indeed a Sraussian, at least by way of your 
commentary on this list.

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