File spoon-archives/heidegger.archive/heidegger_2003/heidegger.0310, message 726

Subject: RE: [fyi] Worldview talk: Israel and the Bomb
Date: Mon, 27 Oct 2003 12:09:05 +0100
From: "Bakker, R.B.M. de" <>

-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: owner-heidegger-AT-lists.village.Virginia.EDU
[mailto:owner-heidegger-AT-lists.village.Virginia.EDU]Namens Kenneth
Verzonden: zondag 26 oktober 2003 1:07
Aan: heidegger-AT-lists.village.Virginia.EDU
Onderwerp: Re: [fyi] Worldview talk: Israel and the Bomb

good god jan, that was, well, eerie, heavy overtoned w/apocolypse now stuf

speaks poorly of a better tomorrow, even if a war was fought and won

and calls for radically new ungodded fundamentalisms to create a new
fundamental foundation for the future of planet earth not based on whatever
the hell its based on now

i mean, in the funda.mentals of today, it's hard to blame israel, based on
what the world did to them


   Are we living in the past then?
   On revenge against time and its unalterable 'it was'?

   Then we would have here the real fundamental fundamentalism:
   the heaviest wounded wolf is the most determined one, 
   because he is the best justified one, by revenge. That's what
   brought Jews and Americans together: rather destroy the whole world
   (rather willing the nothing), than tolerate one speck of Erlebnis
   -feeded insecurity.
   It were the cushions in Strauss' back, that brought me back to
   the Jewish house, where Alexander and Fanny are brought to, after
   being freed from what is probably the most aversive personage
   of all Bergman movies: the self-righteous vicar, that demands that
   his hand, that freshly handled the whip, to be kissed, and that is
   to modern perception the apex of widerwille, because he does it all
   on account of the old hated god.
   All movie heavens rejoice, when he burns alive thanks to the black
   magic of the Jewish boy he visits at night, and Alexander's dark eyes
   in the pale face seem now free for other opportunities.
   But no, the very last shot of the last movie by Bergman, show him
   lying on the ground, after being tackled by the revenant dead vicar,
   who adds: "You're not yet rid of me!" 

   To find me, is easy now, wrote Nietzsche, but now the trouble will be,
   to get rid of me. 
   We don't get rid of Christendom by the Jewish way. That must be Bergman's
   warning, he was an expert too. 
   (The same actor, who played the role of Alexander's father, dying early
    in the story and so making space for the false father, plays Otto
    in The sacrifice. He's the one who makes circles, and offers the circle 
    as the only remedy to the protagonist of this Tarkovsky film, also
    called Alexander) 

   I'm a bit surprised, to see in a Nietzschean the power
   of widerwille, now vested in compassion, so naively displayed. 
   Anti-semitism is the dummest thing, N said rightly, but this kind
   of philo-semitism is downright suicidal.



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