File spoon-archives/heidegger.archive/heidegger_2003/heidegger.0310, message 781

Date: Tue, 28 Oct 2003 11:45:58 -0600
From: allen scult <>
Subject: Re: Liberal vs. social democracy

>anthony rote:
>>Therefore you presumed that I was doing one "RATHER THAN" the other, when in
>>fact I was composing one when I received and responded to the other. Ergo,
>>you presumed, after criticizing others for precisely that.
>>Anthony Crifasi
>oh do go and do something really useful for the man kind for a change
>anthony, get a job as doorman for a whore house, you're a really smart
>about prostitution, know the biz from the inside, so forget your assigned
>task of merely being a missionary positioned toady for the "right"est true
>believer state, get really laid for a change stead of always getting laid,
>i think i've still got monica's # somewhere, she loves philosophical
>counseling outcalls, i'll look around - -

That's the kind of advice one simply cannot get from "the friend 
every Dasein carries within it."
How lucky we are Kenneth to have you along!


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