File spoon-archives/heidegger.archive/heidegger_2003/heidegger.0310, message 840

Date: Thu, 30 Oct 2003 10:48:23 EST
Subject: Re: Popper Pops Heidegger's Balloon

In a message dated 30/10/2003 14:51:36 GMT Standard Time, writes:
>              I've one of his students. After his "Atheist manifest" and 
> attacks
>              on theologists, and his detective work on Heidegger, he is now
>              more politically involved. He is criticising what he calls 
> "tribal
>              cultures" in Holland for their lacking adaptation to the 
> democratic
>              society. 
>              It's all the same one-way roadgoing, for thousand years or more,
>              so, please, that's in it for you.
> Jud:
As I guessed Philipse does not immediately challenge the very notion of 
'Being' as a viable concept, but begins by explaining which problems an 
interpretation of Heidegger's question of being should solve, and he specifies which type 
of interpretation is the best basis for an evaluation of Heidegger's thought. 
In this way it does not seriously repugn Heidegger but goes along with his 
silly little nursery philosophy games, suggesting reasons why Heidegger reacted 
this way or that  to his rejection of, or rejection by, Catholicism [yawn] and 
that for him if you suddenly substitute the word Being with the word God the 
scales are removed from your eyes, etc.  

At the moment most heavyweight non-continentalists are so contemptuous of 
Heidegger, his work is considered so beyond the philosophical pale as to be not 
worth lowering themselves to comment on the crud.  I hope this changes. This is 
[as I have said before] a mistake, for this mindless rubbish is very 
dangerous vacuous rubbish. 

 The only thing of import from the review of that I read was Philipse's 
observation that:

Heidegger makes clever use of language to "destroy the mental independence of 
his readers"(314). "What Heidegger counts on, then, is that we will simply 
believe what he says. He uses a number of authoritarian rhetorical stratagems in 
order to obtain this perlocutionary effect, and he is remarkably successful 
in securing it, especially on the European Continent and in Japan, where 
analytical training in philosophy is sometimes less thorough than one should wish"

Judging from the above it suggests to me that Philipse has been lurking on 
this list.

Heidegger's Philosophy of Being:
A Critical Interpretation

Herman Philipse
Paper | 1998 | $35.00 | ISBN: 0-691-00119-7
Cloth | 1998 | $80.00 / £52.95 | ISBN: 0-691-00117-0
576 pp. | 6 x 9     



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