File spoon-archives/heidegger.archive/heidegger_2003/heidegger.0311, message 492

Subject: RE: My elimination. (GA16)
Date: Fri, 28 Nov 2003 15:48:33 +0100
From: "Bakker, R.B.M. de" <>

GA16, no 188. (1946)

My elimination has, in truth, nothing to do with nazism.
Something uneasy is detected in my thought, maybe even sthing
uncanny (Unheimliches), that one wants to get rid; that one
shows interest in it at the same time, is merely a proof of it.
So totally unimportant and uninfluential as i've been in and
to the party, so decidedly was i rejected by the church regiment;
as fierce as the Russians, that is: european communist technicism,
antagonizes my thought, so clearly is it contrary to anglo-american

And it would be bad, when all this would be, in any respect, different.
I care to confess, however, that all this is also hard to bear and that
I'm oft succumbing  - in fact not while thinking the to-be-thought
(beim Denken des Zudenkenden), but in the carrying on (Durchtragen) 
of such thinking through Dasein.

[how all former 'friends' and 'fans' talk themselves out of the situation,
 wherein 'Heidegger was a hot iron', because of their interests etc.,
 an now let the iron burn away, is of no importance. It would be 
 contrary-to-Beyng / Seynswidrig, if it would be else. One has to remain,
 though, vigilant to the strokes of vanity, despite severest self-criticism]

I've kept silent in thinking not only since 1927, since the publication of 
BT, but IN this itself and before that all along. [!!] This silence is the 
preparation of the saying (Sage) of the to-be-thought (das Zu-denkende)
and this preparing is the ex-periencing (das Er-fahren) and this a doing
and acting. Indeed 'existing', without needing (an) engagement.

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