File spoon-archives/heidegger.archive/heidegger_2004/heidegger.0409, message 137

Subject: RE: pain/peinne a  ma coeur
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2004 12:33:46 +0200
From: "Bakker, R.B.M. de" <>

-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: owner-heidegger-AT-lists.village.Virginia.EDU
Verzonden: woensdag 29 september 2004 19:27
Aan: heidegger-AT-lists.village.Virginia.EDU
Onderwerp: Re: pain/peinne a ma coeur

In a message dated 29/09/2004 16:04:32 GMT Standard Time, writes:

I mock the very IDEA of "Being" — the fact that in the  21st-century  there 
are still people who have faith in the notion of  "Being," like 
believing  that a 
spirit lives  within the trunk of a tree just because some cavorting  idiot 
with a  necklace of boar's teeth round his neck told them so, or some  
idiot with a Nazi Badge in his lapel said the tree has a   "Being"..

 Then you must be that idiot, cos Heidegger never said that. Just  that when
we would look for the being of the tree, we would  not know what to look for
and how to look, while undoubtedly  the tree *is*. Or do you deny that?

No, Rene - like Heidegger you lack the understanding. If you want to be  a  
transcendentalist taxi-driver you must "have the  knowledge,"
and you can't charge double for a single ontic fare — the public  simply 
won't wear it and you'll lose your hard-earned badge.
The tree *is* a tree — and that is the reality. 

   What is that reality? Sometimes, when i see the tree in front of my window,
   when it 'catches my eye', i ... don't know what it is. Yesterday i was
   phoned that it would be removed. It takes shadow away and makes the
   street dirty in autumn. I said: with that argument all trees should be 
   Under me lives an old man. He had till now a fine garden. Recently he 
   completely rooted it out, and my tree was to be next. Now, sthing must
   have happened to him, because for a long time he enjoyed his garden.
   When old people get depressive, people say: you should have light,
   take away the somberness. To be short: we have the right to purify
   'our' surroundings from all terrorist elements. Result: the desert grows.
   I'm not talking ecologically. It's just plain that when you tile the ground,
   nothing will grow there aanymore. And what is spread is human sterility, 
   which is everywhere, and has dire consequences for our topic: reality. 
   "You too have the right to possess, to happiness, to pleasure."
   So 'what is now around the earthball' is nothing behind or on top of things,
   it 'is' ALREADY. And all your anti-transcendalism, however noble in itself,
   keeps attention away from the decay that is inherent in to what we call reality.
   Because the simple existence of things, that should not be questioned according
   to you, is precisely their objectivity, manipulability. The now born children 
   think that not only the sun and the stars belong to the sky, but airplanes 
   as well. "The sky is just the sky"  But then nature IS terror. Not only 9/11
   but also the Ister movie: the homeless Aussies write: "Heidegger lectured on 
   the Danube in 1942, the same year the Nazis decided the final solution."  
   And: The first line of Hoelderlin's  Der Ister: "Now, fire, come!"  What?
   O, the phosphor...  And so on and so on, it's sickening. But who questions and 
   shows, is the brute. You wished to know why i warned, this is why. 
   The 'sense of being' has nothing to do with claiming a meaning for this world.
   There is NO meaning to being, as there is no to time, which must belong to the 
   secrets of our existence. And which is taken into account by the mythos of 
   Persephoneia, in which the youngest and freshest life appears to be already touched
   by death. One cannot have one without the other, though the merciless strategy of 
   democracy and freedom succesfully convinces the masses of the opposite. 
   But it's just death on credit.



 There is no  additional 
ontological passenger or level, no room for spirits in the  boot - no additional 
sphere or domain or transiting transcendental presence of  *Being* — it's just 
a encephalonic trick — a dreaded and deadly  psychologism — a  psychic worm 
or trojan engineered and packed  by  the heiling hacker Heidegger into his 
noxious little book.
Some are happy to be cozened in the transcendental  never-netherworld and 
thrive upon it, constructing and  extrapolating
weird macrocosms of "Being" (familiar and instantly recognisable to the  good 
burghers of Hertogenbosch.)
But the ontological difference is a forgery  — a pentimento or  palimpsest 
without an underlying image. You can wait until hell freezes  over and you will 
never know your precious *Being.* It will NEVER reveal  itself unto you — for 
it is no more than a obnubilated notion in you  noddle.
For you folk a tree *is.* For me, who like Persephone has  skedaddled the 
depths, [we call ourselves the pomegranate-eaters] — a  tree is a tree.



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