File spoon-archives/heidegger.archive/heidegger_2004/heidegger.0411, message 10

Date: Tue, 2 Nov 2004 06:07:09 EST
Subject: Re: Eminem mosh - Susskind

Your habitual personal abuse contains no solutions - no thought  - no answers 
- no surprises - no attempts at reasoning, [as  - though they  may disagree 
with me - John, Malcolm, Henk and Bob, Gary and others  reason] no humour - no 
excogitation - no gumption - no new ideas and no  hope - just feeble 
prevarication and divagation. You just haven't got a  clue WHAT to say to defend your 
Heideggerian ontological inanities.  You are out of your depth and can only 
attack the person and regurgitate  the vapid words of der Philosophie-Leiter 
Ihres Reiches. But most of all no  *philosophy* other than the endless 
self-congratulation of  your group-think, and the endless circle of vapid ad hominem of a 
 dead-end mindless cult. You can go back to your normal modality  of 
interminable, boring screeching about the evils of  America, of  technology, of 
science and democracy and the imminent end of the world  now Rene.

One day a white van will arrive, and kindly men in white  coats will give you 
a little injection in your upper-arm [it won't  hurt.] Your room will be 
comfortable and  kept clean, the food will be  nourishing, there will be books to 
read and there will be fresh flowers  on the windowsill.  The nagging angst 
and confusion you presently  experience will gradually dull and become 
manageable. It will be no  disgrace - it happened to Heidegger - he was a  loony too.



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