File spoon-archives/heidegger.archive/heidegger_2004/heidegger.0411, message 115

Subject: RE: The Sewer's Suppressio Veri
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2004 12:08:43 +0100
From: "Bakker, R.B.M. de" <>

-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: owner-heidegger-AT-lists.village.Virginia.EDU
[mailto:owner-heidegger-AT-lists.village.Virginia.EDU]Namens Tympan Plato
Verzonden: woensdag 10 november 2004 19:15
Aan: heidegger-AT-lists.village.Virginia.EDU
Onderwerp: RE: The Sewer's Suppressio Veri

stepping back from the strange and unique is the key it seems and just let
it be, laissez-faire... we need to meditate in the most URGENT manner
possibe otherwise we fool ourselves and others. I'm trying to accept the
refusal or withdrawal or mystery of it all but still we need to go deep into
the depth of the darkest night of cognition to come out with Persephone and
see the shining shimmering aura of Athena and the banal surface of the ten
thousand things as such.

    Not 'as such', that's buddhism. Everything depends on what this raging
    banality is. There's no evading: 'i'm already there', the hedgehog
    continually repeats.

Okay so now this is da-List of BANALITY   lol.... you are becoming so Zen 

   Wrong again. This is Heidegger citing the Grimm brothers in "Identity 
   and difference", 2nd pt, when he shows why ontological difference is so 
   hard to get into sight. Erring is human, Ariosto, but it looks like 
   there's a system in it. 
   I&D, 'The ontological constitution of metaphysics': Seiendes is always 
   already Seiendes des Seins, and Sein is always already 
   Sein des Seienden. "Ick buenn all hier." That's the hedgehog, whatever
   hedgehog, coz' they'r the majority, speaking to the solitaty hare.  

   (I use German words now, because it's already hard enough as it is)

   That would be the legacy which would lie at the heart of America too,
   and its refusal the only reason for respect, not freedom, not property,
   not equality, which are now only for Hornvieh. Hornvieh that's only 
   getting wilder. (you know the meaning of the horns?)   
   I don't want to criticize America at all. Like the Germans , they could 
   not grant to the man a living for his last years, but they can and do
   use him like a pimp does. Don't blame me for it, blame yourself. 
   That done, next we could begin discussing Heidegger: the situation we're 
   in, not the opinions of whores.

   Or you go on on your American way, Ariosto. It does not really matter.




I hope you are proud of yourself now Rene. I snipped a bunch of crap because 
I'm tired of it right now and I just want to let it all go and relax. I even 
  snipped the parts where your trying to be funny like Jud that was cute 
lol... Rene de Misery  is joking around

later alligator,

tympan or whatever

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