File spoon-archives/heidegger.archive/heidegger_2004/heidegger.0411, message 25

Date: Wed, 3 Nov 2004 11:38:21 EST
Subject: Re: all or nothing at all, part 4

In a message dated 03/11/2004 15:17:21 GMT Standard Time, writes:

An other way to not answer the question as to why there is something  and not
rather nothing is by not asking it through the diversion of making  the
groundless claim that the very question is meaningless. An other  a-voidance
to a-voidmerely a trumped up
version of unquestioning  tradition); at the very heart of this question, this
question that shifts  the ground of the ground of all our questions, our
answers, our  pronouncements, our common-fucking-sense (merely a trumped up
version of  unquestioning tradition); 
Nominalistic commonsense is NOT merely a trumped up version of  unquestioning 
tradition, for the tradition questions
such stupid questions whilst the nominalist answers such  stupid questions. 
*Nothing* [No-thing} doesn't exist.
If you can provide proof that *nothing* exists, or that *Being* is an  act
uality rather than a trannie fantasy, you will become better known than  Leonardo 
de Vinci. Somehow I cannot see that happening.
Anyway how do YOU know that your precious *Being* which turns  up in 
Heideggerian writings like a bad penny every other line or so is  real?
Who told you that there is such a non-existent *phenomena,* and by what  
authority does Heidegger speak of *Being,* other than by the brainwashing he  
received from Jesuits as a child? Why do you deflect other more reasoned  
explanations and keep bringing the investigation back to the groundless claims  and 
inauthentic notion of *Being* all the time, and fall back continually  on 
introducing the ploy of *the void* and the *abyss* and other weirdo stuff  redolent 
of fairy stories, or of melodramatic Victorian romantic fiction  peppered with 
foul Heideggerian skinhead oaths.
But the question re-fuses to be utterly ignored because it lies at the  very
heart of the a-voidance, the fear of the question, the fear  of
groundlessness that displays itself with/in incessant activity  (called
'energy', 'positivity', 'development' and the rest and conceived as  an
antidote to the 'disease', the 'softness',  of merely thinking  {be-ing}).

*Being* {*Be-ing*} *nothing* [*No-thing* are psychologic fantasies -  
[Precisely what Husserl was so much against] a vulgar peasant medievalism  - a crude 
creature of the damaged imagination.
There is no *mysterious question* to be feared - only the ignorance,  hatred 
and viciousness of transcendentalists is to be feared, and one  such has just 
been reelected to the position of the most powerful  transcendentalist in the 
What is this 'power' (of the question concerning this void) that so  gives
rise to diversionary tactics (transcendent claims of has-to-be,  eternal
sub-stance, the meaninglessness of the question, etc), tactics  beautifully
de-signed to avoid even silently considering the  question-qua-question? Such
tactics themselves point to the huge potency of  the danger of the question,
and for that we must be eternally grateful for  this gift from the avoider.

There is no *void,* it is just another product of your feverish  imagination.
There is no *huge potency of the danger of the question.* It is the sort  of 
naive question one expects from a child.
which calls for a reassuring pat on the head, and the softly spoken  words: 
 "Don't worry son - there are no such things as ghosts or spirits or  *Being* 
they are no more than silly old wives'  tales."



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