File spoon-archives/heidegger.archive/heidegger_2004/heidegger.0411, message 40

Subject: RE: Seiendes und Sein -  What-is and to be
Date: Thu, 4 Nov 2004 15:27:23 +0100
From: "Bakker, R.B.M. de" <>

Nietzsche 1, Will to power as knowledge, ending:

"Die Ueberschattung des Seins durch das Seiende kommt aus dem Sein
 selbst, als die Seinsverlassenheit des Seienden im Sinne der 
 Verweigerung der Wahrheit des Seins."

"The overshadowing of Being by what-is [by things that exclusively
 are] comes out of Being itself, as the abandonment-by-Being proper
 to what-is, in the sense of the refusal of the truth of Being."

   Only through the refusal is there a possible way to the refused 
   (truth of Being instead of truth of/over beings - metaphysics)
   But we ARE there, in the refusal, as the refusing, as the refused.
   (No? Look at Jud) 

"Doch indem wir diesen Schatten ALS Schatten erblicken, stehen wir 
schon in einem anderen Licht, ohne das Feuer zu finden, dem sein 
Leuchten entstammt. Der Schatten selbst is schon so anderes und keine

"However, by catching sight of this shadow AS shadow, we are already
 standing in another light, without finding the fire, from which 
 descends its shining. Thus the shadow itself is already something
 different and no glooming:

 Now Hoelderlin's poem to mother earth is cited, with the holy shadow,
 in which lives the herdsman, that is: one who does not live only for

 But only by turning the shadow, can there arrive a light into the 
 darkening (What is called thinking; Hoelderlin's 'holy night'), and 
 into the darkened words, so that they again may start shining and 
 sounding, and melt the ice. 

 Apologies for my all-too-human indignation, Jud. 



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