File spoon-archives/heidegger.archive/heidegger_2004/heidegger.0411, message 61

Date: Fri, 5 Nov 2004 08:39:20 EST
Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Re:=20The=A0=20Non-God=20in=20Heideggerian=20Thou?=

In a message dated 11/5/04 7:09:03 AM, writes:

> the problem, imo, with all kinds of
> amerika (of whatever persuasion or habitat) is the push(iness), the
> forward-motion at any (and every) cost, the (o)pressing on regardless
> towards terminal beach and then some... one president might have slowed it a
> mite, but either way, it seems to me, the same dreary frenzied movement
> (sometimes called 'energy') and adoration of/submission to technology and
> its overreaching command of everything. When europa copies this impressive
> feat, it too becomes an amerika, a new old world (same as...). Once the
> second world was demoralised and made indifferent and the third just a
> playground for soldier's games,

hmmm.   sounds like a nice description of rome as contrasted with greece.   
now how did that one come out?

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