File spoon-archives/heidegger.archive/heidegger_2004/heidegger.0411, message 92

From: "bob scheetz" <>
Subject: Re: The  Non-God in Heideggerian Thought
Date: Mon, 8 Nov 2004 01:25:31 -0500

>...the problem, imo, with all kinds of
> amerika (of whatever persuasion or habitat) is the push(iness), the
> forward-motion at any (and every) cost, the (o)pressing on regardless
> towards terminal beach and then some... one president might have slowed it
> mite, but either way, it seems to me, the same dreary frenzied movement
> (sometimes called 'energy') and adoration of/submission to technology and
> its overreaching command of everything. When europa copies this impressive
> feat, it too becomes an amerika, a new old world (same as...). Once the
> second world was demoralised and made indifferent and the third just a
> playground for soldier's games, the one-and-lonely first world is the
> desolation of a triumph of the will (to will). Where's the difference? The
> commies at least showed some other other...

what you're describing here is not america, but the ethos of
bourgeois capitalism, no? much yer own bounderby, fact, i think
you get credit for the archetype, ...and more recently, if sharon is the
spine of the idiot bush, thatcher was for the idiot reagan.  Still this is
indeed the portrait of our ruling class, as well as those from all
classes who idealise them.
But what is shocking in this election is the unapologetic appetite for
military domination (shock & awe), humiliation (Abu Ghraib), and predation
(oil), ...and correlative contempt for law, human rights, history
(know-nothing-ism reigns everywhere in officialdom), basic honesty and
The election of Kerry would at least have shown the respect that hypocrasy
pays to decency.


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