File spoon-archives/list-proposals.archive/list-p_1995/list-p_Jun.95, message 18

From: "Fred E. Maus" <fem2x-AT-darwin.clas.Virginia.EDU>
Subject: Re: Collaborative music
Date: Sun, 11 Jun 95 19:15:30 EDT

Martin Rosenberg wrote in response to my remarks about a list
on interactive music:

> To talk about interactive music without including afro american 
> classical music seems surprisingly, well, er, ethnocentric.  

There *are* internet resources that deal with many kinds of
African-American music, including Jazz-L, Blues-L, 78-L, and a
number of newsgroups on subjects such as hip-hop, ragtime, etc.
And I believe many more people are interested in those musics
than are interested in the experimental or avant-garde musics I
want to discuss. There are next to no lists or newsgroups for
the latter kinds of music. (There is a good list on John Cage,
but not much else.)

I specified that the list I'm proposing would not deal primarily 
with jazz or popular music because I think discussions of jazz
and popular music could easily swamp conversations on the
relatively esoteric phenomena that interest me. I'm interested
in a relatively focussed, low-volume list. 

> If you get your list off the ground you can be sure that I'll subscribe 
> if only to alter that conceptual framework.

It will be interesting to see what happens. I expect to do the
list--it's easy for me to start a list at UVa--the present
question is just whether such a list might be affiliated with

(Don't you think the expression "afro american classical music"
is just a bit ethnocentric, by the way?)

> Martin E. Rosenberg
> English
> Eastern Kentucky University

Fred Everett Maus          Dept. phone (804) 924-3052
Department of Music        Home phone (804) 974-6039
University of Virginia     Fax to dept. (804) 924-6033
Charlottesville VA 22903



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