File spoon-archives/list-proposals.archive/list-p_1995/list-p_Jun.95, message 199

Date: Tue, 27 Jun 1995 09:59:49 -0700
From: (tom walker)
Subject: ad absurdum

I can't resist this one: how about a list called reductio, where all the 
smarmy smarty pants whose only rhetorical device is reductio ad absurdum 
could flock together and delight each other with their collective wit, 
wisdom and "logic"? On second thought, I guess there's already usenet.

Hey, then how about a list called 2ndthink (can you have numbers in a list 
name?) for people who at one time strongly believed one thing but have 
radically changed their mind and who are interested in genuinely exploring 
the process of change (none of that "I was lost and now I'm found" crap).

On the other hand, maybe thats not such a good idea...

Tom Walker
knoW Ware Communications



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