File spoon-archives/lyotard.archive/lyotard_1998/lyotard.9809, message 3

Date: Wed, 23 Sep 1998 21:04:29 +1000
Subject: idea media multimedia art asia pacific

Final notice 

For those interested in the way in which multimedia is developing in the Asia
Pacific region, and for those wanting to be part of that development. 

Brisbane Australia Saturday 26th Sept (this Saturday) Queensland Art Gallery.
See http// for more details. The Idea Media Multimedia Art Asia
Pacific Forum. 10am - 4pm 

session 1 maaped 
- Linda Wallace director of the machine hunger company reviewing the scene in
- Paul Brown Editor, Fine Art Forum, art + technology online netnews 
- Amanda McDonald Crowley Director of the Australian Network for Art and

session 2 unmaaped 
Deborah Lawler-Dormer "Hybrid Zones" NZ scene 
Sam de Silva Conceptualizing how new media art is working the spaces between
the developing and developed worlds. 
Beth Jackson shoreline curating multimedia 

session 3 remaaped 
Lehan Ramsay "Anywhere" scene in japan 
Mike Addicott industry position 
Rhana Devenport maap in an Asia Pacific Arts context given the forum

The MAAP Think Tank is a one day forum where industry professionals are
gathered to share recent experiences in the Asia pacific region. 
you are invited to attend and participate in this think tank, where the
possibilities for future strategies in the region will be explored. 

$5 registration $5 lunch. 

please help spread this message thanks. 


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