Subject: Still on 1st base? SUBLIMINALLY ENTICE ANY WOMAN TO BE YOURS! GUARANTEED. We know you may be skeptical, but if you're not totally satisfied with your sex life and who you're dating you owe it to yourself to visit our web site (your choice of ENGLISH or ESPANOL) at and learn how the power of subliminal mind control can change your life. It is simply a fact that sexual impulses can be awakened and greatly intensified by using subliminal commands. We guarantee it! But, most subliminal enticement tapes don't work. Confused? Take 1 minute, go to and read the section entitled "THE NUMBER 1 REASON OUR TAPES WORK AND THEIRS DON'T!" to find out why. If nothing else, you'll get a good laugh at how downright silly some other tapes are. EVERYTHING (AND WE MEAN EVERYTHING!) TO GAIN AND NOTHING TO LOSE! We're so sure that OUR tapes work that every one comes with a 100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE! Now that you know about the hottest tapes on the Internet, you have no excuse not to be successful with any woman you choose. If you don't get the facts, you are cheating yourself out of HAPPINESS, ROMANCE, GREAT SEX and the TIME OF YOUR LIFE! Click here Millennium Creations, LLC 520 Washington Blvd., Suite 287 Marina Del Rey, Ca. 90292 310-281-6737 To be remove from future mailings, reply to: with REMOVE in the subject. Please understand that our system has filters and any files larger than 2K, foul language, multiple emails, graphics, and/or attachments within the email or it's headers will automatically delete your email without removal from our database. Only the email address in the from: will be deleted, if you have more than one address, please email us using the email from any account. Make sure the email address is the SAME ADDRESS we used to send the message or it will NOT be deleted from our database. You MUST reply with REMOVE in the subject line, in order to be removed. The contents of the message are NEVER read. Thank you.
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