Subject: RE: throw jameson a bone Date: Sun, 18 Oct 1998 00:10:11 -0700 I strongly suggest that the L-list not preface its intended discussion with Jameson's forward, since that would in effect preemptively establish a set of critical questions. J's forward is an effective and strong one, and that is the problem. The last paragraph in particular initiates a critique of Lyotard in the service of a general critique of postindustrialism (in its persona as "late capitalism," a rogue variant of the same-old capitalism) that forecloses any real entertainment of the fundamental Lyotardian question in this work: "can there be the new," or more paralogically, the "different"? I'd suggest instead that the intended discussion of _The Postmodern Condition_, which now has an announced beginning point and date, conclude symmetrically in a specific terminus: a discussion of the reception of "postmodern"in specifically social, economic, or institutional terms as a "condition" (rather than primarily as an aesthetics or style). Two authors I would suggest for such a post-discussion: (1) Jameson (the forward to Lyotard plus "Postmodernism and Consumer Society," in Hal Foster, ed., _The Anti-Aesthetic: Essays on Postmodern Culture_ (Port Townsend, Wash.: Bay Press, 1983) or the latter piece in expanded and less crystal-sharp form as Chap. 1 of _Postmodernism, or the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism_ (Durham: Duke Univ. Press, 1991); (2) Bill Readings, _The University in Ruins_ (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Univ. Press, 1996). "Jameson's Pastiche and Lyotard's Paralogy," for example, would make for a wonderful, tightly focused topic of discussion. As would: "Lyotard's versus Readings' University." P.S. Regarding the _Differend_: that is a much ampler, deeper, richer, multilayered, and ultimately endless work. I very much doubt that a "chapter-by-chapter" discussion plan would be sustainable or finishable. > -----Original Message----- > From: > []On Behalf Of Bayard G. > Bell > Sent: Wednesday, October 14, 1998 9:42 AM > To: > Subject: Re: throw jameson a bone > > > A suggestion: read Jameson before and after. We can use Jameson as an > overview before starting and return to him with our own views to assess > his foreword. > > -Bayard Bell > > hugh bone wrote: > > > > Mark Clifford wrote: > > > > ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ > > > > Maybe, if you can post it for those of us who have not yet obtained the > > book. > > > > HB > > > > ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ > > > so. > > > any pre-review thoughts on Frederic Jameson's foreword/critique? > > > > > > ______________________________________________________ > > > Get Your Private, Free Email at
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