Subject: Re: Postmodern Condition Date: Sun, 18 Oct 1998 09:53:30 -0500 No, the discussions would continue as has been the case through . The website is meant to be a supplement/enhancement to the discussion only and in no way replaces or changes the way the lyotard list has operated previously. -----Original Message----- From: <> To: <> Date: Saturday, October 17, 1998 11:51 PM Subject: Re: Postmodern Condition >In a message dated 98-10-14 23:53:00 EDT, you write: > >>I have set up a website for our discussion of Post Modern Condition at: >> >> >> >> > >I have noticed this discussion concerning The PMC and would be interested in >participating as well, especially if it eventually led on to The Differend. >My question is a technical one. Does the fact that a new web site has been >set up for the discussion mean that the postings will not come across on >lyotard-AT-lists.village.virginia as well? Is it necessary to subscribe to a new >list? >
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