File spoon-archives/lyotard.archive/lyotard_1998/lyotard.9810, message 26

Date: Sun, 18 Oct 1998 18:02:58 -0700
Subject: Re: throw jameson a bone wrote:
Hi Eric,

Those who have titles of other Lyotard books and papers could post them
and we could search for any texts available on the Net.  This could be
done over the next several weeks as time permits.  Titles in French,
German, Italian or Spanish might be used in searches.

few weeks as time permits

> Any discussion of the Jameson's foreword presumes that The Postmodern
> Condition has already been read and understood in its entirety. Rather than
> put cart before horse, my horse sense tells me that the discussion of the
> foreword should be a pleasure deferred until we have first done the hard work
> of reading the text. Then, the wild linkages can occur.
> Isn't it one of Lyotard's points that we are too ready to paraphrase and
> generalize books and this constitutes a form of injustice to the text done in
> the interest of saving time? How can we as a group discuss TPC until we have
> read TPC? Jameson can patiently wait.
> Finally, I am all for discussing other essays later on, but we also need to
> consider that these may not be readily available to all of us, rendering the
> discussion of them somewhat more difficult. Suggestions?


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