File spoon-archives/lyotard.archive/lyotard_1998/lyotard.9810, message 28

Subject: The Postmodern Condition:  A Report on Knowledge
Date: Thu, 22 Oct 1998 20:52:17 -0500

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

Sorry I could not get back as planned. ISP has had difficulties.

This is how I think it would be best to do the reading of The Postmodern Condtion:

Week One (Oct 26-Oct 31):         Appendix:  Answering the Question: What is Postmodernism
                                                 ages 71 to 82)

Week 2   Nov 1-3                        Introduction       

                   Nov 4                            1. The Field:  Knowledge in Computerized Socities

Week 3:  Nov 8                            2. The Problem: Legitimation

               Nov 11                          3. The Method: Language Games

Week 4: Nov 15                            4.The Nature of the Social Bond:  The Modern Alternative
                                                     (p. 11-14)

              Nov 18                            5. The Nature of the Social Bond:  The Postmodern Alternative

Week 5:  Nov 22                            6. The Pragmatics of Narrative Knowledge

              Nov 25                            7.  The Pragmaitics of Scientific Knowledge
                                                           (p. 23-27)

Week 6:  Nov 29                            8. The Narrative Function and the Legitimation of Knowledge

              Dec 2                             9.  Narratives of the Legitimation of Knowledge

Week 7:  Dec 5                            10. Delegitimation
              Dec 9                            11. Research and Its Legitimation through Performity

Week 8:  Dec 12                          12.  Education and Its Legitimation through Performity

              Dec 16                          13. Postmodern Science as the Search for Instabilities

Week 9:  Dec 19                          14. Legitimation by Paralogy

              Dec 23                           Jameson's Forward

Week 10:  Dec 26-                        Other responses and debriefing of the process of our discussions.

Responses can be made anytime following the date that discussion is scheduled to begin.  I put the appendix first is it seemed more appropriate to discuss this section first, and Jameson's forward last as a review of the entire work. Please share your opinions as we are starting Monday Oct. 26. If their is disagreement, their is no reason it cannot be done differently. This is a little rough, but I will clean it up for the website.



Sorry I could not get back as planned. ISP has had difficulties.
This is how I think it would be best to do the reading of The Postmodern Condtion:
Week One (Oct 26-Oct 31):         Appendix:  Answering the Question: What is Postmodernism
                                                 ages 71 to 82)
Week 2   Nov 1-3                        Introduction       
                   Nov 4                            1. The Field:  Knowledge in Computerized Socities
Week 3:  Nov 8                            2. The Problem: Legitimation
               Nov 11                          3. The Method: Language Games
Week 4: Nov 15                            4.The Nature of the Social Bond:  The Modern Alternative
                                                     (p. 11-14)
              Nov 18                            5. The Nature of the Social Bond:  The Postmodern Alternative
Week 5:  Nov 22                            6. The Pragmatics of Narrative Knowledge
              Nov 25                            7.  The Pragmaitics of Scientific Knowledge
                                                           (p. 23-27)
Week 6:  Nov 29                            8. The Narrative Function and the Legitimation of Knowledge
              Dec 2                             9.  Narratives of the Legitimation of Knowledge
Week 7:  Dec 5                            10. Delegitimation
              Dec 9                            11. Research and Its Legitimation through Performity
Week 8:  Dec 12                          12.  Education and Its Legitimation through Performity
              Dec 16                          13. Postmodern Science as the Search for Instabilities
Week 9:  Dec 19                          14. Legitimation by Paralogy
              Dec 23                           Jameson's Forward
Week 10:  Dec 26-                        Other responses and debriefing of the process of our discussions.
Responses can be made anytime following the date that discussion is scheduled to begin.  I put the appendix first is it seemed more appropriate to discuss this section first, and Jameson's forward last as a review of the entire work. Please share your opinions as we are starting Monday Oct. 26. If their is disagreement, their is no reason it cannot be done differently. This is a little rough, but I will clean it up for the website.

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