File spoon-archives/lyotard.archive/lyotard_1998/lyotard.9810, message 29

Date: Sat, 24 Oct 1998 08:14:41 EDT
Subject: Re: The Postmodern Condition:  A Report on Knowledge

In a message dated 98-10-22 22:06:31 EDT, you write:

>This is how I think it would be best to do the reading of The Postmodern
>Week One (Oct 26-Oct 31):         Appendix:  Answering the Question: What is
>                                                 ages 71 to 82)
>Week 2   Nov 1-3                        Introduction        
>                                                  (xiii-xxv)
>                   Nov 4                            1. The Field:  Knowledge
>in Computerized Socities
>                                                   (p.3-6)
>Week 3:  Nov 8                            2. The Problem: Legitimation
>                                                   (p.6-9)
>               Nov 11                          3. The Method: Language Games
>                                                    (p.9-11)
>Week 4: Nov 15                            4.The Nature of the Social Bond:
>The Modern Alternative
>                                                     (p. 11-14)
>              Nov 18                            5. The Nature of the Social
>Bond:  The Postmodern Alternative
>                                                      (p.14-18)
>Week 5:  Nov 22                            6. The Pragmatics of Narrative
>                                                      (p.18-23)
>              Nov 25                            7.  The Pragmaitics of
>Scientific Knowledge
>                                                           (p. 23-27)
>Week 6:  Nov 29                            8. The Narrative Function and the
>Legitimation of Knowledge
>                                                       (27-31)
>              Dec 2                             9.  Narratives of the
>Legitimation of Knowledge
>                                                       (31-37)
>Week 7:  Dec 5                            10. Delegitimation
>                                                       (37-41)
>              Dec 9                            11. Research and Its
>Legitimation through Performity
>                                                       (41-47)
>Week 8:  Dec 12                          12.  Education and Its Legitimation
>through Performity
>                                                         (47-53)
>              Dec 16                          13. Postmodern Science as the
>Search for Instabilities
>                                                        (53-60)
>Week 9:  Dec 19                          14. Legitimation by Paralogy
>                                                        (60-70)
>              Dec 23                           Jameson's Forward
>Week 10:  Dec 26-                        Other responses and debriefing of
>the process of our discussions.

This sounds fine with me. I want to personally thank you for investing all
your time to make this discussion happen.  Here's looking  forward to a lively


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