File spoon-archives/lyotard.archive/lyotard_1998/lyotard.9810, message 32

Date: Mon, 26 Oct 1998 13:44:17 +0100
Subject: PMC:  What is Postmodernism:  A Demand

Just an aside to my previous post regarding the use of the word
"aufklarung", I found this passage on a cite describing Adorno's
"Aesthetic Theory": 

Inserting the 'silver rib of a foreign word' into an idea, Walter
Benjamin argued in a passage Adorno was fond of quoting, helps the idea
to survive. Meant to undermine the ideology of an entirely organic
language, free of all alien intrusions, this insight can be
fruitfully extended to distinguished translations of entire texts. 

I am sure that sly bugger Lyotard (and his translator) slipped the
german words in on us fully aware of this.


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