File spoon-archives/lyotard.archive/lyotard_1998/lyotard.9810, message 36

Date: Mon, 26 Oct 1998 11:18:53 -0800
Subject: Re: PMC:  What is Postmodernism?:  A Demand

M. Collette wrote:

> When Lyotard mentions "Aufklarung" on page 72 I am
> guessing he is
> referring to an aspect of Modernism. Does any one have
> an English
> translation of this word and how it applies?

I think Aufklarung means "Enlightenment."  It was the
Enlightenment (18th century philosophy in the western
world) that was the wester culture's general rejection of
pre-modernism (superstitions and for some religious faith)
and allowed modernism  (a faith in the dream of science)
to flower.

..Lois Shawver


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