File spoon-archives/lyotard.archive/lyotard_1998/lyotard.9810, message 4

Date: Mon, 12 Oct 1998 15:44:03 +0100
Subject: Re: Dude

Of those three, I would start with "The Postmodern Condition", but run
right back to the book store and pick up "The Lybidinal Economy" and
"The Inhuman".  Lyotard is fun to read compared to most pom
philosophers. The list is quiet as of late, but feel free to post
comments and ask questions as you read as we need to get this list
hopping again!

For you other L-listers, there has been more posts regarding Lyotard on
the Pynchon list then here. Is there an available archive for this list
so I can look at what has been discussed previously? If not, I would be
glad to help facilitate a web archive.

Also, is anyone interested in <re>reading one of Lyotard's works a
chapter at a time (one a week) and discussing it? We can help out poor
Xavier here, who doesnt have a clue what he is getting himself into ;),
by a discussion of the Postmodern Condition.

Comments? Suggestions?

Mi name es Xavier Segura, I am a mexican student of phylosophy. I am
studyng the works of Lyotard, and I wanna know: Where to begin?

I have "The Postmodern Condition", "The Diferend", amd "The
Postmodernity explaines to kids". Wich is the better?

HELP. Thanks.>


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