Date: Mon, 12 Oct 1998 16:39:52 -0700 Subject: Re: Dude Xavier Segura wrote: -AT--AT--AT--AT--AT--AT--AT--AT--AT--AT--AT--AT--AT--AT--AT--AT--AT--AT--AT--AT--AT--AT--AT--AT--AT--AT--AT--AT--AT--AT- Welcome to the List. 1) You could tell us more about your reasons for studying philosophy, and we might come up with suggestions, or 2) Search for two or three topics in the Lyotard books which interest you most; read and study them first, then post specific questions to this List. Best regards, Hugh Bone ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ > Hello? Mi name es Xavier Segura, I am a mexican student of phylosophy. I am > studyng the works of Lyotard, and I wanna know: Where to begin? > > I have "The Postmodern Condition", "The Diferend", amd "The > Postmodernity explaines to kids". Wich is the better? > > HELP. Thanks.
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