File spoon-archives/lyotard.archive/lyotard_1998/lyotard.9810, message 9

Date: Tue, 13 Oct 1998 08:36:55 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: Dude

I would be interested as well. It would actually fit in nicely with some
other work I'm doing, so would be an added benefit. Looking forward to


On Mon, 12 Oct 1998, Judy wrote:

> I'd enjoy reading a chapter a week of The Postmodern Condition.
> Judy
> >
> >Also, is anyone interested in <re>reading one of Lyotard's works a
> >chapter at a time (one a week) and discussing it? We can help out poor
> >Xavier here, who doesnt have a clue what he is getting himself into ;),
> >by a discussion of the Postmodern Condition.
> >
> >Comments? Suggestions?
> >
> ><Hello?
> >Mi name es Xavier Segura, I am a mexican student of phylosophy. I am
> >studyng the works of Lyotard, and I wanna know: Where to begin?
> >
> >I have "The Postmodern Condition", "The Diferend", amd "The
> >Postmodernity explaines to kids". Wich is the better?
> >
> >HELP. Thanks.>


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