File spoon-archives/lyotard.archive/lyotard_1998/lyotard.9812, message 1

Subject: Re: The Widening Gyre
Date: Mon, 30 Nov 1998 23:13:51 -0600

>By the way, if you're intersted, I am putting together a
>newsletter on postmodern therapies (and I mean postmodern
>largely in the Lyotardian sense).  Some of you might find
>it interesting to check it out.  It is not purely Lyotard,
>but there is more Lyotard there than you might think.
>It is at:
>..Lois Shawver
>I checked your site out tonight and it is very cool.  I am impressed with
both the content and range.

By the way, are you familar with the work of James Hillman and Archetypal
Psychology.  He is a kind of post-modern post-Jungian psychologist who
deconstructs Jungians by saying in effect that they have created a
metanarrative of therapy based on healing and a heroic notion of the ego.
He is quite incredulous of psychology's claims for emanicipation.

In place of this "100 years of psychotherapy and the world is getting
worse", he advocates an artistic psychology based on pathologizing, imaging,
seeing through the literal and beauty as display.  His discription of the
anima mundi is a kind of post-modern hyle, a vale of soulmaking.

Also, if I am reading correcting, it sounds like the kind of psychology
being discussed at your site is interpersonal and of the post-rogerian
variety.  Are you familar with the work of John Dewey and George Herbert
Mead?  They advocate a social psychology along philosophical lines and are
currently undergoing something of a revival, thanks to Rorty, Habermas,
Jonas and others.  They also have much in common with the Wittgenstein of
the Philosophical Investigations.


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