Subject: Re: Events Date: Fri, 18 Dec 1998 22:48:05 -0500 (EST) ... When we remember, "the will is inactive in this case, as in the coming of any thought." (WTP section 502) ... This process of becoming-conscious is how "our organs of knowledge and our senses are developed only with regard to conditions of preservation and growth." Inventive force, in this case, is driven by "our need for security, for quick understanding [the reactive speed of memory] on the basis of signs and sounds, for means of abbreviation" (section 513). knowledge then, as inventive force, schematizes, or imposes regularity of form based on the need for self-preservation while following utilitarian goals;-- and for this reason (the pscychological cause mentioned above) substantives emerge like, "substance," "soul," "subject," "being," and so on. In general, it is a coarsening of experience that makes us equal and so founds our ability to be intelligible, understandable, and an easy as can be communicative interlocutor, after all, we share the same substantives, adjectives, and properties. The social bond is strong. ah, maybe I'll erase that last line. ... --
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