File spoon-archives/lyotard.archive/lyotard_1998/lyotard.9812, message 106

Date: Sun, 20 Dec 1998 13:39:28 +0200 (EET DST)
Subject: Re: Events

On Sun, 20 Dec 1998, Ariosto Raggo wrote:

> Some sleepless thoughts, went to bed reading Derrida's remenbrance of
> Paul de Man, bad idea. I was reminded of what Lyotard says in PMC with
> regards to temporary contracts (pg. 66). They are ambigous because they
> indicate something which the system can't fully incorporate. The
> emergence of language games as a quest for parology would bring into
> play this excess, exteriority of the system.
Does the usage of parology in language games lead us to deleuzian
 The broad definition of
> legitimation that he uses would then mean, in this case, just this
> opening to excess, knowledge (savoir) which can't be reduced to science
> or learning (connaisance) (pg. 18) would be a sort of ability to do this.
> It's not too much of a stretch to say that this know-how is the
> working-through of anamnesis which Lyotard often thinks as the
> practice of Cezanne's approach to painting, to color. 
> There does seem to be a localization involve in anamnesis when thought
> of as a temporary alliance with, given active forgetting, what remains
> to be thought... an existing, not in a geographical site but a virtual
> one which would be a way of thinking about the chora, but already I
> break the bond by suggesting a name. Always temporary because of the
> tendency to fall back into the old habits is never once and for all
> suspended, one only more or less is binding oneself to wherever one is
> at which is a sort of naked intention... an attentiveness to je ne sais
> quoi, to borrow Montaigne's expression -- a vigilance, in Levinas'
> sense, that keeps us awake in the night.
> -- 


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