File spoon-archives/lyotard.archive/lyotard_1998/lyotard.9812, message 113

Subject: Re: ...Events
Date: Tue, 22 Dec 1998 01:51:15 -0500 (EST)

> Perhaps it begins when the sperm eavesdrops at conception. Sorry, couldn't
> resist.

Don, can I call you Don?, this line is what i would call premature
ejaculation, what happened to the "hermeneutic suspension" you
mentioned? The event was put in the future (re: ... event), let us have
more of that "perhaps," more chance for all of us to talk. *Perhaps*
that has to do with not trying to anticipate too much where one is
going to go with the lines that appear awry.


> >>>Language, presumably, is not a pre-natal experience.
> Just a note on this assumption:  The baby in the womb hears the
> mother's heart, breathing and other body sounds as well as her voice, and
> even
> the voices of others nearby.  This is one way the newborn infant
> "recognizes"
> its mother, a mutual recognition upon which everything depends. And the
> rhythms of heartbeat, breath, motion, rest, and so on may give the context
> for "learning" everything.  I think it is very difficult to say, then, where
> language begins.>>>>
> Ingrid M.



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