File spoon-archives/lyotard.archive/lyotard_1998/lyotard.9812, message 117

Date: Wed, 23 Dec 1998 17:08:13 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: Events

> > deterritorizaton?
> It can, I suupose it would depend on inventive juxtapositions which
> both deteritorialize a concept like paralogy as well as that of
> 'deleuzian' deterretorialization itself. I try to do, strong
> misreadings, to use Harold Bloom's expression. I don't think there is
> such a thing as deluzian, lyotardian, or derridean concepts because
> there is always displacements, digressions, differential drifts and
> such, that bring into play unknown, unforeseen readings. So yes, it can,
> and no, not necessarily as if it were a question of us, or you, or I,
> adequating ourselves to set notions of which it just a matter of
> getting them right. 'Good' interpretations work if they stimulate and
> spill writing, more talk giving rise to other phrases, other language
> games, other events that would be singular. Isn't this Deleuze's
> "and..." ? Lyotard speaks similarly in some places. Why couldn't this
> lead to Derridean dissemination? or Diderot's digression? or Shlovsky's
> defamilarization, or the rhetorician's 'turn'? and so on... (this is
> Wittgenstein's expression. I'm very interested in invention, even
> allowing putatively non-fictional exchanges to become fictional. I see
> nothing wrong with somebody responding on this list, for instance, with
> a poem, or a short story, or an online persona, or a multiplicity of
> personas. Although, there is something to be said for being as faithful
> as possible to the sense of what a writer is getting at...
> Ari(...)

This raises an interesting point, I think, in the context of a "close 
reading" of Lyotard and two ways that we can approach him:

1) "key words" approach: identify the terms as he uses them, determine 
them so to speak.

2) "inventive" approach: see what ways we can play off of these terms, 
see what drifts they set into motion.

The second seems more "paralogical" (or more in keeping with a 
deterritorialization/reterritorialization), but I'm getting a growing 
sense of why it makes sense to have a good sense of #1 as well.

How did the essay turn out? Have a webby version with a URL for us to 
peek at?



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