File spoon-archives/lyotard.archive/lyotard_1998/lyotard.9812, message 12

Date: Thu, 03 Dec 1998 09:59:34 -0500
Subject: Re: The Widening Gyre

>>Your message elicits several responses from me.  In the first place, you allude to a kind of cyborgian development. Lyotard, in his more recent writings such as The Inhuman and Postmodern Fables tells us a similar story, set in the context of the dying of the sun.
    “The hero of the fable is not the human species, but energy …It is a
complex form of organizing energy.  Like other forms, it is undoubtedly
transitory. Other, more complex forms may appear that will when out over
it.  Perhaps one of these forms is preparing itself through
techno-scientific development right from the time when the fable is
being recounted…the exile’s hero, destined to survive the destruction of
terrestrial life will not be a mere survivor, since it will not be alive
in the sense we understand the word.” (PF p.92-94) 
I appreciate your juicy responses, Eric. 
    Thinking smaller, when I need a hero-of-the-fable, I get the genetic
material of all life. I picture it as a blind dune worm for some reason.
We ride on its back, our spurs are holding well for the moment.
Ed Atkeson


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