File spoon-archives/lyotard.archive/lyotard_1998/lyotard.9812, message 124

Date: Mon, 28 Dec 1998 16:37:00 -0800
Subject: Re: Paralogy wrote:


Here is the paragraph from your paper:

"In this regard, there are some who would replace instrumental reason
with what might be called a more substantive rationality, one that would
allow for indeterminacy and <<<<<<<<<<<<not insist on some ultimate
“word, presence, essence, truth or reality to act as the foundation of
all thought, language and experience”.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>This new
rationality  although acknowledging the interconnectedness of things,
would not insist that all things exist within a field of cause-effect
relationships. Meanings would be continuously negotiated, not with the
restricted boundaries of positivist logic but within a radical paradigm;
radical in the sense that it would insist on a reflexivity that
recognizes the contingent nature of knowledge.” 

I added brackets around the words I commented on.   As stated above, 
"a more substantive rationality would not insist..." 

I favor the "more substantive rationality" over the: 

...ultimate “word, presence, essence, truth or reality to act as the
foundation of all thought, language and experience...

I think you were speaking of philosophers when you wrote the last two
lines, but I feel the statement illustrates the methods of fascist
dictators in controlling minds and bodies of those they rule.

So that is my opinion, and I'll be glad to explain further my
understanding of the words I write.

I agree that dictionary terms are only a starting point for
understanding the meaning of words with which we talk to ourselves and
each other.  I selected the definitions I posted from many alternatives.

Some instances of indeterminacy of meaning may be "paralogic" in
loosening up a consideration of alternatives, advancing open discussion 
and reaching at least a tentative determination in a postmodern version
of substantive rationality.

Other instances of indeterminacy of meanings (beliefs) may be
unresolvable; for if we cannot determine for ourselves how can we
communicate to others? 



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