Subject: Jameson intro, The Differend and more Date: Mon, 28 Dec 1998 15:08:49 -0000 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. We are nearing the completion of our discussion of Post Modern Condition. May I suggest that we begin discussing The Differend January 18. This will give most of us time to begin the reading of this book and tie up other loose ends. Let us consider Jameson's forward of PMC at this time and debrief regarding our posts of PMC. We do need some sort of organization for this discussion. As we (those who have participated in the discussion of PMC) seem to shy away from predetermined order we should consider what type of structure we may employ. (You will have to pardon me, I say clandestine prayers to Apollo). The difficulty of this work begs for some structure, imho. In the meantime, may I suggest something a bit different. On line is the essay "THE CULTURE INDUSTRY: ENLIGHTENMENT AS MASS DECEPTION" (THEODOR ADORNO AND MAX HORKHEIMER) from Dialectic of Enlightenment. A reading and discussion of this essay from our persepective of Lyotard would be quite enjoyable. This would be a nice interlude between PMC and The Differend. Criticisms, discussion and suggestions are appreciated!
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