Date: Fri, 30 Oct 1998 10:02:30 +0100 Subject: Re: after PMC I would agree that we are not following the book in the planned order. There is/was a schedule set up to follow regarding the order of the book. I had hoped we would include in our posts the headings of each section as we moved along. But then, there is some merit in our "stream of consciousness" approach we seem to be taking. If you would like to share your summaries of the sections as we move along, I think that would be beneficial! Form and chaos both have their merits and I am sure we can handle varying types of narratives here. Your process questions are appropirate imo, and I think we should continue to contemplate them as we move through to our conclusion and into our next event. >What a postmodern group this is; even though we are still in the middle of >TPC, we are already talking post=TPC. > >I agree with those who say we should discuss The Differend next. Even though >it is difficult, it is a natural progression of TPC, and as Ezra Pound says; >"beauty is difficult." > >I have been enjoying the current level of activity at this site. The posts >are thoughtful and provocative. However, it also seems that there has not >been that much actual discussion of TPC. > >I unilaterally began outlining TPC because it didn't seem we were actually >discussing the text here as planned. > >I would therefore like to raise these questions before we discuss where to >go next. How are we doing now? Do you like the current presentation? What >could we be doing better? > >Let's get some meaningful feedback on this and the discussion of what text >next will be easier to decide.
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