File spoon-archives/lyotard.archive/lyotard_1998/lyotard.9812, message 21

Subject: Re:  lyotard help
Date: Thu, 3 Dec 1998 18:59:38 -0600

> dear sir
> please could you give me any info you have on any texts by lyotard which
>involve the topic of postmodern music , i can't find any anywhere , and
>info for my degree
> hope you can help
>best wishes

Lyotard doesn't talk that much about music.  Music is discussed in a few
essays, however. I will give you the books and titles.  Please write back if
you want me to get into more specifics as to their content.  Keep in mind
that even though Lyotard has come to be associated in the semi-public mind
with the postmodern, not everything he writes is on this topic. (Far from

When Lyotard talks about art in general, he generally discusses it in the
context of the avant-garde.  Thus, with regard to music he is more likely to
discuss Cage or Boulez or a text by Adorno.

Book                                                  Essay
Toward the Postmodern                  A Few Words to Sing

The Inhuman                                       God and the Puppet


Postmodern Fables                            Music, Mutic


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