File spoon-archives/lyotard.archive/lyotard_1998/lyotard.9812, message 24

Subject: Re: after PMC
Date: Thu, 3 Dec 1998 22:01:07 -0600

-----Original Message-----
From: Eric Salstrand <>
To: <>
Date: Thursday, December 03, 1998 8:30 PM
Subject: Re: after PMC

>>I would agree that  we are not following the book in the planned order.
>>There is/was a schedule set up to follow regarding the order of the book.
>>had hoped we would include in our posts the headings of each section as we
>>moved along. But then, there is some merit in our "stream of
>>approach we seem to be taking.
>This is what I thought would happen as well when the online discussion of
>TPC was first mentioned.  I personally think it is important to have some
>kind of marker to indicate where we are in the text and to have someone
>facilitate that discussion.
>I made the decision to give out summaries afterwards as a response to the
>prolonged inactivity in discussing TPC.  That is why we are now somewhat
>of sync with the original calendar.
>As I see it, the discussion would be merely one thread for this group.  It
>would be benefical to have distinct markers for the archives to identify
>what posting relate to discussions of the text, but there could also be
>other postings on random topics as well.  A On-line Chaosmos.
>>If you would like to share your summaries of the sections as we move
>>I think that would be beneficial! Form and chaos both have their merits
>>I am sure we can handle varying types of narratives here.
>>Your process questions are appropirate imo, and I think we should continue
>>to contemplate them as we move through to our conclusion and into our next
>This is something I definitely would like to discuss in greater detail.
>is shorter and the arguments are less complex, more sociological.  I think
>it would prove far more difficult to follow the same approach in The
>Here, maybe just a short overview of each section might be more
>The question is this. How do we keep it structured enough so there is some
>progression through the book and open enough to encourage the greatest
>amount of interest and participation?
>Another issue is whether people would be willing to sign-on to do a segment
>of the text.  This would help make it more of a team project and not just
>one person's thing.
>1)  Is there someone who would step forward to create an outline of The
>Differend and coordinate the signing on of volunteers?
>2) Who would be willing to sign-on as a facilitator for a section or time
>period? (Maybe you have a particular topic that interests you. This is your
>chance to discuss it more fully.)
>3) Let's continue to have more discussion on what individuals would find
>valuable in terms of this presentation. (Maybe we could even try to
>experiment with the various sections.)

Eric, I agree with all your comments and suggestions. I dont feel competent
enough with The Differend to fill the roles you suggested, but I will help
any way I can.

I did make an error on a previous post regarding the schedule for PMC. It is
at: not /lyotard.html
as I suggested earlier.

Also, there is a nice discussion/summary of PMC at:

This summary goes over this work section by section (save sections 9-12).


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